The Yaktational Free Graphics Store!
Welcome buyers! Welcome sellers! It's the free graphics store for all visitors to my page! It is here that I will put a number of graphics that are completely free for absolutely anyone to download and put on their own page, or just have on their computer! Take what you want, leave what you want, it's all up for grabs...
Well.... actually, it's more than one day... this is a permanent section... hee hee!
Also, if you have any interesting graphics (.jpg's, .gif's, or other clip art, animated or not) that you would like to have on this page so that your fellow web surfers can have access to it, just e-mail the image to:
[email protected]
...and I will put it on this page! Check back often, the graphics gallery will constantly be updated!
Blah blah blah... Take me to the  GRAPHICS!!!